We are Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE)
22944 Raised Goal 3500000


Association of women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka (AWAKE) is a Not -for -profit NGO started in 1983 with a primary mission of "Empowering women through Entrepreneurship development for achieving economic self-sustenance in the state of Karnataka. The organization is managed by Voluntary services of its women members who are all micro and small entrepreneurs.


AWAKE supported women in Food sector by establishing a Food incubation center in 1992 with common facility for processing quality foods.
So far this facility has helped more than 2500 women entrepreneurs (individuals and self- help group women) to start their enterprise. AWAKE collaborates with KVK’s, NIFTEM, CFTRI, Agricultural universities etc., for food technologies.

The Existing facility needs restructuring as per current trends & needs of the market by providing latest food processing equipment.
1. Set of cereal grain processing & dry processing machineries
2. Complete set of equipment for bakery unit and confectionery
3. Processing facility like extruders for processing noodles, pasta and other enriched foods.
4. Test and quality lab (as per requirement of Food quality standards)
AWAKE plans to train & support 2500 underprivileged women in the next 5 years with these upgraded facilities.


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Upgradation of 35 years old Training and Incubation Centre for Food Processing for Women.
CURRENT STATUS of AWAKE’s FOOD processing Centre: AWAKE supported women in Food sector by establishing Asia’s First Food incubation center in 1992 with common facility for processing quality foods. The existing Food processing incubation unit needs immediate replacement with better efficient processing machineries, matching with today’s Market needs. The beneficiaries of AWAKE are mostly underprivileged rural and urban women with poor educational background, most of them single parent or those who need livelihood support. Many of them start their enterprise in food processing sector to support their livelihood and hence contribute to not only the economy of our nation but as per WHO motto of “ONE HEALTH” provide Nutritional guarantee towards building a better future generation. Setting up of a wholesome processing facility by a small women entrepreneur is quite expensive and needs lot of investment and technical knowledge. OUR NEEDS: The Existing facility needs restructuring as per current trends & needs of the market by providing latest food processing Technology. 1. Set of cereal grain processing & dry processing machineries 2. Complete set of equipment for bakery unit and confectionery 3. Processing facility like extruders for processing noodles, pasta and other enriched foods. 4. Test and quality lab (as per requirement of Food quality standards) TARGET BENEFICIARIES of this project: 1. The Facility is utilized by existing women entrepreneurs with micro and small enterprises – 600 numbers 2. Our Goal is to Train the Prospective Women Entrepreneurs through this facility is expected to be 2500 women for a span of 5years through Skill Training. 3. Expected employment opportunities through these micro enterprises is around 5000 men and women. Funds raised shall be utilized: 1.Refurbish the existing infrastructure and install new food processing machineries as mentioned above. 2. Establish food quality testing laboratory 3. Engage Food technologists and expert technical advisors to support and train the women entrepreneur users.

AWAKE – Association for Women entrepreneurs of Karnataka was established in 1983 with a mission and vision to empower and support
aspiring women to become entrepreneurs to start business and sustain them to enhance their economic and social well-being. AWAKE is
an NGO registered under societies act, ISO accredited organization with 80G, 12A, CSR 1,e-anudhan and Darpan registrations.
Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka is in the forefront of Entrepreneurship development from the last 41 years & has
trained more than one Lakh women and Men in entrepreneurial skills and has earned National and International accolades for its
contribution in this field of Entrepreneurship Development. The vision of the organization is “To develop self reliance amongst women”
and its Mission is “Empowering women through Entrepreneurship Development to improve their economic condition”. While, the focus of
the association is on empowerment of women from rural and urban areas, AWAKE also conducts Entrepreneurship Development
Programme for both men and women under Rural Entrepreneurship Development programme and Rural Industries programme
sponsored by various agencies. AWAKE believes that economic empowerment of rural poor would enable them to integrate themselves
into the main stream and make available to the region vast resources in terms of motivated populace whose contributions can be
channelled to ensure a dynamic, positive and vibrant social fabric.
• Empowering Women Through entrepreneurship development to improve their economic condition.
• To work as a team towards shared objective to reach a greater number of women through the programs of AWAKE.
• Develop suitable membership program to increase member base and also to encourage members to be more active.
• Policy advocacy with strong force of women entrepreneurs to influence policy makers
• To provide need quality services to clients.

Contact Person: Ms. Bhuvaneshwari C - Vice President
Email: admin@awakeindia.org.in
Phone: 9740976768

A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Arpita H
Vasundhara Prasad
Pallavi Jagadeesh
KR subramanian
Vidya Rafhupathi
Priya Balasubramanian
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