AWAKE is a pioneer organization in women empowerment and entrepreneurship development over the last 41 years .It has a common facility and business incubator that helps women in food processing sector to start their micro enterprise . This facility which is now 35 years old has helped many women to produce nutritionally rich quality food products with best support of machineries and technical guidance with minimum investment . AWAKE incubator is now dilapidated and machineries are outdated. Rejuvenation of the incubation center with new equipment's for processing matching with today's market needs can help us train around 2500 needy women in the next 3 years and help them process their food products using this facility .we are seeking your financial support to help us re-establish this center and sustain the livelihood of needy women.
HI,I am Veterinary doctor by profession and an entrepreneur in farming sector over the last 30 years . My mission is to promote farmers and women in food sector to become economically independent . This I achieve through my voluntary services to AWAKE - a pioneer organization in women Entrepreneurship development since 1983. My focus is preventing wastage of food grains and Vegetables, through proper preservation or post-harvest processing facilites. This can be achieved by helping women produce good quality food products with proper technology that can help achieve good health and nutrition for all. MY motto is Encourage farming, stop
Migration of people from rural to urban , help women become entrepreneurs in food sector , in turn building a strong future generation.
A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.