We are Sense International India
534 Raised Goal 500000


Sense India over the years, has provided needs-based education to deafblind children and successfully supported local schools to include children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities. Sense India's approach of education of children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities are based on their individual needs to build their capacity to become active and contributing member of their society. Deafblind children have limited access to basic services like education, health and training in India. Sense India is the first national NGO working exclusively for deafblind children in India.

Majority of the children targeted by Sense India come from poor and economically low-income families. Consequently, they are they are malnourished and have additional severe conditions which affect their health. To mitigate this issue, Sense India ensures that medical and nutritional support services is provided to them alongside educational support – so that a holistic support can be provided to the, and further health conditions originating from unmet nutritional needs can be addressed.
Through this project, 20 deafblind children will be provided with education, assistive devices and support for medical and nutritional needs to help them to be independent.

We request you to support us in our journey to provide education, medical and nutritional services to children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities.

-> Cost for supporting 1 child with deafblindness and multiple disabilities for 1 month is INR 7000/-
-> Cost for supporting 20 children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities for 12 months is INR 16,80,000/-


Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Educational, medical and nutritional support for children with deafblindness & multiple disabilities
Sense India will train deafblind children to communicate and teach vital skills needed for daily life. They will receive specially customized assistive devices, medical and nutritional support.


Utilization summary of funds raised last year in TCS World 10K Bengaluru 2023

1. Project - Education and Rehabilitation Services for Deafblind Children, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Amount Utilised (INR)155000
Project DescriptionDeafblindness is a combination of visual and hearing impairments that affect a person's ability to communicate, access information, and explore their surroundings. Sense India, in collaboration with partner organizations, addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive services in care and rehabilitation, education, and capacity building. Sense India's goal is to raise funds through the TCS World 10K to support key rehabilitation services for three children in Ahmedabad. These services encompass special education, specialized therapy, and assistive aids. Our aim is also to provide hearing aids and assistive devices to enhance their ability to interact with their environment, facilitating effective communication and improving mobility, ultimately leading to greater independence. Therapeutic interventions are crucial in developing fine motor skills, enabling the children to perform daily activities independently. Additionally, sign language training will be provided to the family members of deafblind children to improve communication with their children. Sense India's comprehensive approach aims to empower individuals who are deafblind, ensuring that they receive the necessary support for a more inclusive and self-reliant life. The acquired skills in sign language have bridged communication gaps, enabling family members and caregivers to better comprehend and educate children who may face challenges in expressing their needs.
impactThe funds raised during the TCS World10K will have a significant impact on children with deafblindness. This support will enable them to become more independent in their daily activities, address their literacy needs, and develop individualized education plans for each child. It will empower children with deafblindness, ensuring that they receive the necessary support for a more inclusive and self-reliant life.

Sense International India, also known as Sense India, was established in 1997 as the first and only non-governmental organisation to support the development of comprehensive services for people with deafblindness and multiple disabilities throughout India. Sense India works with local organisations to develop sustainable services for children and adults with deafblindness and collaborates with the government at centre and state levels. We have reached to provide needs-based services to around 80,000 children with deafblindness directly through 60 partner NGOs in 23 states of India, and through collaboration with the government’s national Samagra Shiksha - ‘inclusive education’ programme. With our effort, children with deafblindness and multiple disabilities have been identified and are being prepared to attend mainstream schools. We are also partnering with leading organisations in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Malaysia to train educators and setup needs-based services for deafblind.

Sense India advocates for the recognition and realisation of rights of persons with deafblindness with the government and our biggest achievement has been recognition of ‘Deafblindness’ in the Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 and their rights are now protected. The inclusion of vaccination for Rubella under the Universal Immunization Programme is another significant achievement of our advocacy initiatives. We are a member of several Central Government and State level advisory groups. Sense India is accredited by the United Nations and enjoys consultative status on deafblindness.

Contact Person: Shivkumar Sharma
Email: shiv@senseintindia.org
Phone: 9687394092

A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Shivkumar Sharma
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