We are Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission
100 Raised Goal 10000000


SVMM (Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission Trust) is a charitable trust supporting the tribal and other underprivileged communities in the tribal belt of of Kerala. We run two hospitals, one school, three skill development centres, 80+ village learning centres, one deaddiction centre and over a dozen community projects and livelihood projects. Our founder, Senior Paediatrician and managing trustee, Dr. Narayanan is widely known as "10 Rupee doctor" - https://www.newindianexpress.com/good-news/2021/Aug/08/meet-the-10-rupee-doctorwho-struck-a-chord-in-keralas-tribal-hamlet-2341758.html

We provide free services (with just Rs.10/-) to around 20,000 plus tribal and other underprivileged patients in the region. Our healthcare services include OP consultation, medical tests, scanning, delivery, surgery, medicine, and three times food for in-patients.

Also we provide free education to 300+ students in our school - Malleeswara Vidya Nikethan. We have strong community network in the region and run over a dozen community projects including mental wellness, adolescent girls projects, Village Health Workers, Livelihood projects, 80+ Free Village Learning Centres, one de-addiction centre.



Help us raise funds for our specific needs.

Support 10 Rupee Hospital
Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission started its operation in 2004 and celebrating our 20th year in service this year. We run two hospitals, one with 50 bed, NICU, MICU, Scanning, Lab, Xray facilities and other hospital provide OP services. We also have two mobile palliative units to support bedridden patients. Also, we run Community mental health programs, adolescence project, child care, mental health and maternal care projects. We provide all our services to tribals and other underprivileged with just Rs.10/- . Our doctor is widely knows as '10 Rupee Doctor' - https://www.newindianexpress.com/good-news/2021/Aug/08/meet-the-10-rupee-doctorwho-struck-a-chord-in-keralas-tribal-hamlet-2341758.html We provide services to 55000+ patients (or consultation) every year with around 200 deliveries and same number of surgeries. We need large financial support to provide these free treatment every year. We request everyone's support to improve the healthcare for tribals and underprivileged in the area https://missionvivekananda.org.in
Support education of Tribal students
Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission started its operation in 2004 and celebrating our 20th year in service this year. We run one school (state recognized) in the tribal belt of Kerala (Attappady - one hour journey from Coimbatore) with around 530 students and 80+ tuition centres (bridge gap solution for poor and drop out students) with more than 1000 students. We provide three time meals in the school. We provide complete free education for 350 students. We need large financial support to provide these free education every year. We request everyone's support to improve the education of tribals and underprivileged in the area https://missionvivekananda.org.in

Swami Vivekananda Medical Mission is a registered Charitable trust working with a not for profit motive. The trust aims to serve the backward sections of the population in Kerala state, India. Overall development of the people of Attappady, especially the scheduled tribes, with freedom from illness, poverty and malnourishment has been the focus of the mission ever since its establishment. The activities of the mission have hence ranged from medical relief to education, women’s empowerment and eradication of social evils like alcoholism.

Contact Person: Pramod V R
Email: pramod.vr@missionvivekananda.org.in
Phone: 9901510321

A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Pradeep Rao
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