Uthishta is a multifaceted organization started in the year 2013 with a noble purpose of serving the underprivileged & deserving section of population in society, by reaching out to them with programs and activities to foster their self-reliance and thereby thriving to minimize their external dependence for day-to-day living. Ever since its beginning, our programs were well appreciated by the society for its sustainable and impactful interventions in their daily life and transparency and promptness in execution.
Moving on, banking on the invaluable support and motivation of our generous donors from all walks of life which includes individuals and organizations, we have decided to expand the horizon of our activities into more areas like Free Ambulance service with well-trained staff & Palliative care for the needy patients. Our Free Ambulance service, KSHEMA which is operational in Bangalore for the last three months, has been well received and much appreciated both by the families of those who availed the service and also by the medical fraternity in the respective hospitals for our promptness and efficiency in services.
While we reflect upon our journey thus far, it gives us immense joy and sense of achievement to note that our initiatives have positively impacted thousands of people both directly and indirectly. It is inded all the more happy to note that our much appreciated programme of "Sponsor a Child' for pursuing continuing education has started delivering direct and positive benefits to the family of the children we have supported.
As we continue to spread our wings to several areas where help is just the synonym of life extended, we have realized that this is a journey we can’t walk alone with our limited resources and limitless efforts. While we continue to stretch ourselves to contribute through our personal accomplishments and contacts, many a times, it is deeply saddening that we are forced to close our eyes towards a few genuine requests- where the help sought is at times a ’trade off’ between a life lived well or a making a good education for a budding career. We face this reality day in and day out.
In this context, we seek support from individuals like you, who can and who is willing to bring that change and put back the smile and hope on those faces on a continuous basis. We have estimated the recurring costs on a monthly basis to smoothly and effectively manage some of the undergoing projects we have taken up and the details are attached. We earnestly request you to help the organization with your generous contribution, and we assure you that we will not leave even a single stone unturned to bring changes in positive direction- to all those who deserve it. And Yes, we have NO biases in helping, it is just for those who need it.
Thanking you,
Team Uthishta
FREE Ambulance - Monthly expenses Break up
Driver Salary: 2 X 22000.00
Fuel: 25,000.00
Oxigen: 900.00
Total: 79900.00
Help us raise funds for our specific needs.
Uthishta is a non-profit organization committed to making a positive impact on society by empowering individuals and communities to thrive. Established with a vision to create a world where everyone has access to opportunities for growth and development, Uthishta works tirelessly to uplift the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society.
Contact Person: Gokul Das
Email: info@uthishta.org
Phone: 9447690261
A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.