I'm Philip!
700 Raised Goal 5000


Warm Greetings to the donor,

Thank you for coming one step closer to making a difference in a girl child's life. Your support through donations can mean a positive change. Aide et Action is a non profit organization which began its journey in India in 1981 with a vision of changing the world through Education. Currently the organization works across India in more than 18 states and Union territories. I'm taking part of Aide et Action's current initiative to raise funds for strengthening it's work and catalyzing the impact. Please find below the appeal for which donations are sought,

"Educate a girl, uplift a generation!

Families engaged in Sanitary work and the Lambada Tribal community endure deep poverty, discrimination, and social exclusion, locking them in a cycle that persists across generations. Children, especially girls, bear the brunt—forced to abandon their education due to Poverty, Stigma, Domestic burdens, and lack of support. Without formal education, they remain trapped in the harsh realities of their circumstances, perpetuating marginalization, and inequality. Your support can break this cycle...

By investing in the education of girls from these families, we can uplift entire communities and drive lasting change. Together, we can open doors to dignity and hope through education and help in transforming the lives of ;

1) 300 primary school aged girls from the manual scavenging families residing in Bengaluru City

2) 300 young girls (0-6yrs) from the Lambada Tribal Community living in the forests of Devarkonda, Chandampet, Nerediguuma and Mallepally mandals in Nalgonda district of Telangana state.

Thank you for your support!


Aide et Action (India) is a secular, apolitical, not-for-profit organization established in 1981. It was registered in 1988 as a not-for-profit entity under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 (currently Section 8 of the Companies Act). AEA’s vision is "Changing the world through education", and it’s mission is to “ensure access to quality education for the most vulnerable and marginalized communities, especially children, empowering them to shape their own development and contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world”. Our core program priorities include Early Childhood Care and Education, Access & Quality Education (Primary & Secondary), and Lifelong Learning & Vocational Training. Women's Empowerment, Inclusive Education, and pressing issues like climate change, peace education, and migration are central & cross cutting priorities to our initiatives.

This Is Philip Working in aide et action (india)

A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

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