Shaping Her Education (SHE)
Run for BREADS*,
Because SHE matters!
She is six. Or maybe twenty-one. Or in between. But she has a dream.
Of a future, different from her present.
In which, she is independent; her voice is heard, and she is free to live unhindered, even as a girl. Where she is no longer fettered by poverty, geography, or lack of opportunity.
We have a goal. To make 100 dreams come true.
By Shaping Her Education (SHE).
Because education powers her dream.
Run with BREADS, make her dream come true.
Because SHE truly deserves it!
Support 100 girls at INR 15,000 each and make 100 dreams real.
Professional Social worker
A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.