Hello, thank you for reading.
"We must all work to make this world worthy of its children" - Pablo Casals
One-All is an organization that is working at the grass roots level to promote Education of girls through Ultimate Frisbee among traditionally underserved communities. I've been closely associated with One-All from inception and have witnessed the transformation in the children and young adults who have participated in the programmes. Children continue their schooling for longer and young adults are able to find their footing in a rapidly changing world.
I've been playing Ultimate frisbee for 12 years now and it has been a profound, life changing experience for me. The beauty of this sport lies in the fact that it places utmost importance on playing with Integrity and is called "Spirit Of The Game". It is also a self referred, mixed gender sport. These not only make this sport unique but also provide a great way to teach and learn life skills like empathy, communication, conflict resolution and leadership to name a few. I have benefited from this sport in innumerable ways.
I am raising funds for One-All because of the life long impact it is having on our little girls and young adults. Not only are they able to support themselves and their communities but they become beacons of the Ultimate way of life. Its my way of trying to make this world worthy of it's children. Kindly help me fundraise so One-All can run their One-All Fellowship program starting in May 2025.
Hi, I am Vivek Krishnaswamy, an avid Ultimate Frisbee player and a big believer in the "Sports for Change" movement. I've run multiple editions of the TCS W10K back in the day, every year between 2010 and 2014 before taking a break from running and jumping into Ultimate Frisbee with my club team "Thatte Idli Kaal Soup" - https://tiks-ultimate.in
Now after all these years Ultimate Frisbee is bringing me back to running. I am lucky to be raising funds for One-All. Kindly donate and support my cause to make this world a better place for our children.
A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.