I'm Pramod G S!
9325 Raised Goal 20000


I am teaming up with One All Foundation, using miles to make a difference in girls’ education and gender equality.

Why chip in? * Well, aside from supporting a noble cause, you’ll also get the satisfaction of knowing your contribution is fueling one all foundation journey towards social change. Plus, who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? Let’s turn those miles into smiles together..


The One All Trust
One All: Empowering Youth, Bridging Gender Gaps
One All aims to break cycles of gender inequality by building confidence, empathy, and community awareness in young people. Our Life Skills Education program combines sports and learning, creating a safe space for mixed-gender discussions on gender equality, self-identity, social norms, and sexuality. We aim to inspire the next generation of leaders who can shape a more equitable future.

We envision a generation of young people who can challenge gender norms and seize greater opportunities. With your support, we’re helping them build a future filled with possibilities once beyond their reach. Since 2016, we have directly impacted over 4350 children and youth in Tamil Nadu.

A big thank you to all those who have donated on this page.

Reshma M G
Bikramjit Basu
Venkatesh Babu
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